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Office of International Affair(OIA)held a International Students Forum

Update : 2024-04-29
SDG指標: SDGs17,SDGs04,SDGs11
International Students Forum
International Students Forum

Office of International Affair(OIA)held a International Students Forum on April 24th at noon. The forum was attended by the Dean, Vice Deans, all members of International Students Division. The purpose was to express care for international students following the recent earthquake and to listen to their needs closely.

During the forum, students shared their recent experiences, expressing gratitude for the school's support and raising current living needs. After consolidating the students' thoughts, the OIA, along with other departments within the school, assisted students accordingly.

Dean, Su, Ming-Chien on behalf of the entire OIA, expressed concern for the students and welcomed them to contact OIA through various platforms anytime. The entire school community stands together with the students to overcome this challenge, and future forums will be held regularly for students to share and support each other.

Participant 1
Participant 1
Participant 2
Participant 2
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Participant 3